.`♥Saturday, October 31, 2009♥
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This date last year, i had class gathering. Played Bowling. heh.Miss Rachel Teo treated us Bowling. It was superb! All of us were enjoying ourselves.Finish N levels mahh..But sadly this year, i cant enjoy today.Instead of enjoying, i studied.Studied with NFA & Lemon again.Oh yes!!! Gosh.Today, 31 October 2009, i was punched by NFA! :(it was really hurtful sia!!!!! hit right on the face!While we were waiting for bus, camwhore together with NFA & Lemon. heh.

Omg, ive yet to start on Combine Humanities.ART! sialah.. lazy sia..im focusing more on Science.haiz. see how.work hard linda! come on! :P LOL.aite.happy halloween people!!!!! Labels: halloween.
Pens down @
9:58 PM
.`♥Wednesday, October 28, 2009♥
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Yes! Done 3 papers this week.
2 more weeks to go, 8 papers.
Today is the Maths paper 2.
i was really overjoyed.
There's this one question that i did before.
yeap, this is it. :Di hope to get at least a full marks on this.went to school early again.had this 'date' with Mr Tan.went through Paper 1. ok, was quite satisfied.practiced on my own for paper 2.long day yesterday and today.been studying til late.studied with Tasya & Lemon near my place.oh yes. i burnt my hands yesterday!! :(now its like numb, and have a weird mark. *sob sob*Perhaps going to study again today.But im going later at about 7+.TIRED SIOTT!!!!!!!next paper is next week, Monday.ok!im done!BYE! Labels: hope.
Pens down @
6:16 PM
.`♥Monday, October 26, 2009♥
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Oh dear. I am really feeling so agitated right now.
First paper: English. 1330 hours.
Damn! I hate English!
But, no matter what, i still have to do this.
I can not run away from this.
I hope to pass, at least a pass is good to me.
Please god, help me!
I think, i cracked my brain too much.
Been studying straight.
I studied with NFA, Lemon & Mira Hazwani yesterday.
Drank lots of RedBull these few days.
RedBull gives you wings!!
Ok, merepek, kerepek! -.-
Gonna study again later after English papers.
Maths is next!!!
oh yes,
thanks to those who wished me good lucks all. and,
Good luck and all the best to those who are taking O levels too!
Break a leg and cross fingers!
Labels: let the battle begin.
Pens down @
12:52 AM
.`♥Saturday, October 24, 2009♥
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just went back home from studying. packed sia today.. O level is drawing real near. People busy studying. Same goes to me. Suffering from this headache, more to like migraine sia. Ever since i started studying. It was killing me! I wasnt able to focus much and study. It was bugging me to! Sialah, paranoid sia!!!!!! -.-'
Anyway, am to busy to update these few days. I can't even rest a day from everything. Oh yes, since im updating, lets see.. First of all, thursday? Yes, i did surprise Tasya. heh. she was like so overjoyed when she opened my present. She keeps on saying, 'I got an Elmo!! I got an Elmo!!!'. Yeap, that was my gift for her. :D
Friday. Had Physics class. After that, went to NCC training. As per normal, went home late if i go to training. Although my aunt and parents forbide me to go, i'll tell a white lie. Heh, white lie? -.-
Got back home, received some lecture. haiz.
Oh yes! Before i forget. On 23 October 2009, Mira Hazwani is CRAZY! :P
chat with her on the phone. She is CRAZY! Sort in the mind.. tsk, tsk, tsk.
ARGH! This headache is killing me!
DONE!Labels: headache.
Pens down @
10:30 PM
.`♥Thursday, October 22, 2009♥
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I've known this girl for like 14 years now. We grew up together and watch each other grow.How time flies.I could still remember in my mind that we used to catch butterflies together.Going to school together and did crazy stuffs. We were so nerd last time.Going back home late and spend the day out. Hey Tasya, just wanna say thank you for being there all the time for me.And yes! I cant forget the posts you wrote in your LJ.Im not embarassed of what people thought of you.Why would i be? We grew up together, arent we?And, if you're willing to put your life for me, i would even do the same thing.I love you tasya. Happy Birthday.and, i know that 'raj' keeps hurting you.
you know i wont let you down.
dont worry. i hope to give you a surprise soon.BE PREPARED!anyway, O level Practical!!!-.-screwed upfuck sia!im scared!!but, this year i guess i was lucky.experiments for Physics were set up for us.Graph? the scale is ready for us.Chemistry?I SUCK!lucky was only test for Anions.but it was tricky!but im confident dat one of the answer is Carbonate. haiz..aite, till then.Labels: happy birthday NFA.
Pens down @
5:31 PM
.`♥Monday, October 19, 2009♥
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woke up at 8.45am just now.
and i thought i was late. heh. but i wasnt. phew...
went out to study just now, with Farhan.
at least im able to study and spend my time wisely.
o level is just 3 days away! omg!
its 3!!!! haizzz.
after studying, it was around 5+ going to 6.
called my aunt, to check if she is out or not.
lucky i called. hah, they were about to go out.
so yea, met them at Tampines Mall.
i was hungry.. :( didnt eat.
so went to Ramen Ten and eat.. ^^ yummy! :D
then, take a stroll ard TM, CS and Tampines 1.
shop again, sigh.
yesterday shop, today shop! wow.
but! i was tired sia.. feet like this..
unable to walk properly..
anw, when we were at the Charles & Keith shop,
my aunt's maid and i sat down while waiting for my sis and aunt to shop.

we had this convo: *in malay actually..
me: wat song u listening?
she: many songs.
me: -.-'' want to hear!
she: hear urs la.
me: cannot, mine too lose ardy. :P
she: lose? why? played too much?
me: ya! see la! cant even slot in properly.
she: keep trying.
me: i am!! must insert a lot of times.
she: wah, so strong coz being inserted many times.
me: ya la. thats why it can keep on playing.
and so, tomorrow sch-ing!!! :(
have maths and short EL session.
sigh. have to wake up early again! darn!!!
tired sia..
aite, till then.
Labels: in and out.
Pens down @
9:56 PM
.`♥Sunday, October 18, 2009♥
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been sleeping late and wake up early..!
friday slept at 2am. woke up at 8.
jz now oso same.
fish sia.. want to wake up late oso cannot!! -.-''
spend 3 days straight not studying.
having wars at home, cant focus.
ok, good thing is dat i dont have to use crutches anymore.
at least im able to walk, but of course not proper.
ok, i would like to thank for those who helped me so far.
wat an experience.. haiz..
tired! till then.
shit! im craving for DONUT EMPIRE!!!! :((
Pens down @
8:15 PM
.`♥Saturday, October 17, 2009♥
All in
wow.... 18 hours straight been going out, walk about,
laugh here, smile there,
eat here, drink there.
basically, today last day of school.
went to sch, it was alrite.
got back my report book. :)
at least ive an 'ok' points for L1R4.
form teacher n co-form teacher sound sad to leave us. heh
they sound so.... hmm. wats the word.
anyway, okla.. gonna miss my teachers too.
although there are still some consultations, but we're not gonna be there always.

more on farhan's camera. gonna upload soon, i hope.
straight after school, went back home. got ready.
jalan raya with friends, classmates.
well, its the same like last year;
me, inka, bella, farhan, irwan, nazmi and ismael.
planned to meet at 3. at farhan's house.
but me, inka n bella were late.
got ourselves pretty first and proceed. heh.
omg. eat a lot today.
1st house: Farhan. (mee goreng & fried chicken)
2nd: Irwan. (Lamb Chop! yummy!)
3rd: Mira Hazwani.
4th: Inka.
5th: Mine. (Fried chicken & Mee)
6th: Mdm Zaleela.
7th: NurSyafiqah Sudin. (murtabak)
fun disturbing Mdm Zaleela.
we spammed her messages. hahaha!
there were 7 of us.
we came out a sentence that has 7 words.
so each send one word. LOL!
it was so fun! heh.
7 houses within 8 hours. heh.
it was tiring!! seriously.
i tot i could walk with heels, but i was wrong.
it sux sia. and stings!
then, got back home almost to 12am. (like cinderella.. -.-')
settled down, and open my wound plasters.
discovered that my wounds are .....!!!
omg, blood was flowing out.
sialah... pain sia!
no wonder i walk, it hurts A LOT!
haiz.. but it was fun though.
the last jalan raya of the year. and with secondary school classmates, i guess.
gosh, really gonna miss my secondary school life.
o level is drawing very near now..
gonna start studying maybe today.
aite then, feeling so tired now. till then!
Labels: raya outing.
Pens down @
1:02 AM
.`♥Thursday, October 15, 2009♥
All in
wat a long day today...
been going home late this week. gosh. tired sia.
today? cracked my brains too much. ):
had 3 periods of maths, followed by 3 hours and 10 mins of maths!!!!
so tired.. thought too much.
but, fun thing, mr tan send me home!! =D
oh yes, yes. and he gave me a teddy bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
cute, i like. its the Tiger from Winnie The Pooh.
mr tan have been so strange today.
during lesson, he gave us this 'sad' tone saying that today is the last lesson of all.
classmates started to tease him saying that he misses us so much! heh.
and yes. mr tan asked for our photos. xD
so sweet of him..
tomorrow gonna be the last day of school, officially.
it ended so fast! :(
exactly 7 days before Science Practical.
time is running out.
and tomorrow also..... most probably....
heh, maybe.
lets see how tomorrow.
7 of us.
3 girls, 4 guys. the last.
and yea, my feet is recovering well now.
manage to walk slowly.
thank goodness.
aite, till then.
Pens down @
6:42 PM
.`♥Wednesday, October 14, 2009♥
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Hey Bella, i hope u like the gift. ;)
and and, wish you all the best for the upcoming Os that is drawing so near.
and, spending 5 years together is really memorable for me.
thank you bella for being such a sweet friend.
and hey! u got a hug and kiss from me! heh.
anyway, school was alright throughout.
just that ive becoming more lazier these few weeks.
been skipping class and not attending it.
few more days left! oh dear. im still in the 'la-la land'
still enjoying the dream. haiz..
im not too sure though on what i want.
its complicated as it looks.
and so, what goes up must come down.
Labels: happy birthday bella.
Pens down @
8:57 PM
.`♥Monday, October 12, 2009♥
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Monday is so tiring!
a long day today. school was alrite, i guess.
4 more days left. its so fast isnt it?
anyway. i was shocked at the same time upset.
it wasnt intentional, seriously.
events are passing by just like that.
it is almost time before the end.
i will still try my very best.
i wont give up now.
this is the last lap.
im gonna give it all and give wat it takes.
im trying, step by step.
lets do this!!
I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
I MUST!!!!!!!!!
receiving Art Paper 2 question paper tomorrow.
sigh. few days left.
Labels: limited.
Pens down @
10:11 PM
.`♥Saturday, October 10, 2009♥
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so far, ive never had any care and concern from you.
you constantly made me felt so unappriciated.
why? why say those things?
you dont know what im feeling.
you dont know what im going through.
you just say it out loud and let the whole world know.
why do i have to understand you always?
try putting yourself in my shoe,
be aware of what im feeling. dont just shoot out those nasty words.
words are just words, but i felt as if im being stabbed by.
ive been suffering enough.
you dont know what and why.
too much ego you have, im not surprised.
thanks to you, you added in more pain in me.
all this years, you care for your ownself.
fine! go ahead!
you've caused me enough pain already. thanks.
Labels: outraged.
Pens down @
2:58 PM
.`♥Thursday, October 8, 2009♥
All in
whow! sorry for not updating this past few days.
oh yes, you guys deserve to be credited and be remembered.
thanks to those who has sent me home this week,
Monday - Farhan.
Tuesday - Rukhsana.
Wednesday - Farhan, Liyana, Alisha.
Thank you once again.
ok, basically school is so tiring this week.
ive been so forgetful!
ive lost my interests in studying.
i think im giving up..
i skipped class twice this week.
haiz.. what the heck has gotten into me?
here i am updating feeling so sleepy and worn out.
i have yet to do my english homework.. haiz!!!
perhaps im going to sleep early and wake up later in the morning.
anyway, i had fun today.
its been so long i didnt hang out.
so yea, hang out with Amirah, Mira, Rukhsana, Pah and Zarifah.
i noe im outta of my mind.
few more days to O level, and here i am spending my day not doing anything that is beneficial.
but hey, i want a break. i deserve a break, dont i?
speaking of that, literally, it means resting my mind off.
Miss Ida told me this too, i deserve to be happy.
i smiled. everyone deserves to be happy.
but when my mind starts to wonder, it wont stop wondering.
everyone keep telling me, dont let this affect my studies, O level is drawing near.
but, im sorry my dear friends,
ive been trying. u guys even noe that its simply hard for me.
ive been trying hard, ive been so patient.
courage? wisdom? i had those.
but i didnt get anything in return.
i noe you guys care for me. thank you. i appriciate it.
like ive said. ive been trying. been patient enough.
each day is an addition to the number of the days ive been waiting.
till then.Labels: worn out.
Pens down @
9:09 PM
.`♥Saturday, October 3, 2009♥
All in
arghhh!!! had the treatment today... ):
had this trauma from the last treatment. gosh.
i was scared that the podiatrist would spray nitrogen liquid again.
luckily he didnt. its a HE!!!!!
ok, it all started........
met et at 11am. we suppose to meet at 1035.
but i was late, reached at 1050.
but et came later!!!!!!!!! 11!!!!!!!!!!!! *pissed*
how could she make the handicapped wait?! hah!
ok, reached outram mrt station. got out.
its been a long time since i didnt take a shuttle bus to SGH.
so we spent quite a long time to find the shuttle bus stop.
it was tiring! somemore with crutches.
so anyway, reached the place. registered. and time to go to the room.
found out that the podiatrist was a handsome Australian guy!!!!!!!
et and me were like attracted to him!!!
omg, i swear i melt! he's so handsome!!

hot right the podiatrist??!!
omg, how i wish he will be there for next treatment.
ezzati and i fought for him.
hah. actually got 2 hot podiatrists.
so i told et that i want this one.
another didnt get the chance to take a snap.
so yea. haha!
this time the treatment, no silver nitrate and no nitrogen liquid.
just that he peeled off the skin again.
this is how it looks like.

haiz. see. its bad!!! :(
the hot podiatrist asked et if she wanted to have a look
so et took pix of it. heh.
and showed it to me. gosh! :(
have to go for another treatment again next sat!!! :(
every week im gonna endure for the pain.
how can i not be traumatised if its always like this?
i want to express my gratitude to Nur Ezzati Binte Elias,
a.k.a Et, for helping me these 2 days and accompanied me for my treatment.
also, for sending me home for 2 days straight.
also, for sharing me great stories.
thanks Et!!!!!
and also, to Inka Farhana Binte Jeffery,
for being my P.A last week and hopefully this week.
thanks for helping me and being patient.
im sure you will be a good nurse in future. ;)
thanks Inka!!!!! (L)
Labels: traumatised.
Pens down @
7:22 PM
.`♥Friday, October 2, 2009♥
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whoa.. friday already.. damn time! ask u to go slower right?!!!!! -.-''
review for the week;
-tiring due to crutches.
-quite alright for lessons.
-just the same, nothing new.
-still holding on.
okok. anyway, school was alright just now. except english. -_-
maths period? mrs tang n mrs bajaj came to our class.
mr tan was HILARIOUS!!!! we sabo him. heheh! :P
after school, went to see the part C, had the video or something.
was unsure. they didnt inform. -.- (!)
den, hang out with Et. (just for u ar Ezzati!!!!!!!! =P)
after all were finished, sat with et a while at ncc room and chat.
den proceed back home.
then, et came to my house and went back near to 9.
et, u talk alot today. heh. nice stories. :)
LOL! she's afraid to take my lift!!!
bla bla bla.....
haiZZZZZ!!!!! 20 more days. :(
so fast siaaaa... TIME: PLEASE GO SLOWER!!!!!!
havent start my revision! wth?! just days left and im still not preparing.
i cant focus that much. mind keep bothering.
damn, why sia?! history is being repeated by itself! the only thing is that its just a year difference.
feeling so tired now... :(
want to sleep early. been so tired this week.
tomorrow is my next appointment!!!!!
omg!! gonna feel the pain again. haiZZZ!!
hopefully the doctor numb my feet first...
ok ok! want sleep!
till then.
Labels: story telling.
Pens down @
9:18 PM