.`♥Sunday, January 31, 2010♥
All in
Thank you to those who wished me.
Really appriciate it.
For awhile, i felt that im old.
And, the moon is nice. Seriously.
Sometimes, hopes can be dangerous.
Labels: Eighteenth.
Pens down @
11:50 PM
.`♥Wednesday, January 27, 2010♥
All in
I want to stay at home for at least a day... Can???
School has yet to start, and im so busy right now. WTH?!
If school start already for sure i cant be free. ):
Speaking of school, its the result for the posting!!!
How everyone? Satisfied or no? Going for an appeal?
No matter what, good luck my dear friends. =)
Tira was right; they will send message when we are sleeping soundly. =P
Yesterday was a day out for me and my sister.
Fuhh!! Enjoyed it much!!!
From 313 - Cathay - Wisma Atria - Penin - Bugis.
We went shopping, yeap, shop!
It was my first time and woaahhhhh!!! I'm scared sia..
I calculated back how much i've spent.
I spent $132 in total!!!!!! Damn!!!!
The figure really made me bit my nails.
But overall, i love the feeling. ^.^
Sis said next month we'll go again. I have to control, i dont want to be a shopaholic.
Whats more if we go overseas. DAMN!!!!
As for today, i had to work morning.
Then went off at 3pm, met Farhan and off to Nanyang Poly.
Asked about the appeal thingy for the JAE.
Bla Bla Bla.....
After that, met Et & M.Seri.
Thought of flying a kite, but the wind isn't at our side. -.-
Im waiting patiently til 9pm.
Cause.... I am able to get a new phone!!!!!!!!!!!
OH YES!!!!!!!
Finally, the phone that ive been eyeing for since it first came out.
Thanks mom for this gift. =)
A new phone to start a new year and a new life with.
Happy Birthday Nabilah Huda =)
Labels: Elated.
Pens down @
11:40 PM
.`♥Sunday, January 24, 2010♥
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Happy 18th Birthday Nur Amirah Bte Othman!!!!!!!!Sadly, this year we weren't able to see each other and be happy together.Normally there will be joyous moment together in school.Six years knowing you, meant a lot to me.Thank you for being there for me, mirah.I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!& I miss you...Hopefully, we'll be catching up one day. =DToday was wow.I forget that i was in the morning shift.It was 10.10am when Tira called me.I was sleeping sia.When she said,'Eh dowan come to work ar?!'me: huh? i morning ar?she: ya la. You partner with me today.me: Shit. okay. i get ready now.Got there around 11.05am. Phew, at least something.Came to work also like a zombie sia.
Then, i have to OT!!! -.-
I felt so tired!!!!Basically, Friday and Saturday had the NCC camp.Slept for only 2 hours.Saturday went to Sentosa.First time event, i know.Finish camp around 5.30, rush back home to change clothesAnd off to meet Et & Ma'am Masturah.Headed to Clarke quay.SURPRISE TO MA'AM SERI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^Hope you like it. (:So yeah, i was too tired till i cant wake to go to work.Lol, wth???I'm so occupied now.I miss being at home.I wanna stay at home for at least a day.I miss the boring-ness.At least there isn't much energy to waste.Sigh.&,
Happy Birthday to Norafifah Bte Ismail.

Amazingly, you remember
Labels: Mirah.
Pens down @
10:05 PM
.`♥Thursday, January 21, 2010♥
All in
I was almost late this morning.
Morning shift siaa. Then yesterday i had to do till closing.
So i can't wake up just now in the morning.
So tired!! =(
New stocks arrived, that's why.
So anyway, as per normal if i partner with Tira, we'll be enjoying ourselves.
Its like that shop is our shop. We did anything that we wanted. HAH!
Switch on music to the loudest, sit down and relax. Bla bla bla.. =P
Went to T2 to buy lunch, hah, seriously we took our own sweet time seh.
Food at T2 was ok la.. Got more choices also.
But both T1 and T2 are quite similar.
Ate our lunch also slow, chit chat a lot. Bla bla bla.
Finding trouble sia us. Punch time was exact but still we took our time.
After work, i stopped at the interchange cause i wanted to buy something.
Suddenly, Nazmi messaged me asked to meet up.
Then ok lor, i met him.
Funny thing was, i didnt realise that all along he was in front of me.
We even took the same timing at the traffic light.
When im reaching my block then i realised that he was in front of me. LOL.
So was it a co-incidence????
Sat under my block and chat.
Heh, chey Nazmi chey. =P
Eh Nazmi, it works ok? HAHA! Tak rosak.. Bluekkk
Basically, now work is more boring.
Franz no more. Just left me & Tira. Haiz.
Im thinking if i should..
But time is limited sia.
Bored!!!!!Labels: Co-incidence.
Pens down @
9:05 PM
.`♥Wednesday, January 20, 2010♥
All in
Its 2.25am in the morning, and im still awake.
I got back home at around 1am just now.
Slack under void deck with Sis & NFA.
Before that, we went window shop and shopping.
Time really flew so fast when we're enjoying.
Or is it us that is taking our time? HAH.
Checked out some agencies about the holiday trip.
Wah... So expensive sia.
It's my first time, of course it will cost a lot.
I don't want to spend all the money.
Since money is precious now.
Have to do a lot of thinking at home now.
Oh yes, while we're slacking just now,
there was this cat, a small cat, more like a kitten came to our place.
Of course, i couldn't resist seeing a cat. ;P
Called the kitten and wow, she came. Yes she, it was a female kitten.
AND!!! We gave her a name, TonKichi. =D

She seemed hungry, and i gave her food.
Bought something at 7-11, and gave her all to eat. =)
After that, she sleepy already.
Funny thing was she wanted to sleep by us.
As though we gave her comfort.
It was already 12+am. I want to go home!!
But i felt so hard to leave her alone.
There was a thought of bringing her back home.
However.... I have 5 cats at home siaaa! I can't manage any further.
Put her inside a box and left her before i took the lift.

Amazingly, she followed us till the lift.
Oh well, i just brought her up, gave some food.
And send her back down.
I hope she'll be alright.
Cause when i had settle down at home, it started to rain.
Pity her... =( I felt bad though...
Just hope for the best.
Good bye kitty. =(
Happy 20th Birthday Ma'am Seri!!
May your wishes and dreams come true. ;)
Labels: Tonkichi.
Pens down @
2:23 AM
.`♥Monday, January 18, 2010♥
All in
Spent 2 and a half hours in total to do my research.
How time flies till i forget its already 9++. (OMG!)
Phew, at least its over for now.
Gonna do some more research other time.. =(
So anyway. I've been thinking.
Where to go for overseas.
My sis promised me if i do well for my Os, she wanna bring me for a holiday.
I don't want to go New York nor Germany.
I wanna go somewhere i can shop alot.
Been saving money also.. ^^
Oh well, im not sure on where to go.
Now i'll just have to wait for my sister response.
Met Bella earlier in the afternoon.
Accompanied her to bank, and wow.
We do feel old, cause you have to manage your own account. Bla bla bla..
She changed the new card, nice.
She asked me when im going to change my card. LOL.
I dont think i can change.
My name's too long!!!! WTH!!! ;P
Ate lunch then met Mei Ling.
And im off.
Not satisfied sia. LOL.
Met NFA after that, and ya. so the not satisfied.
Partner, how ar?
At least it had the first, and good initiative.
I wasnt expecting though.
But i was contented =)
Pens down @
9:21 PM
.`♥Saturday, January 16, 2010♥
All in
Really enjoying myself today.
Felt that i have a good time for myself. =)
Started off with morning, NCC stuffs all that.
Head to Century Square after that to have our lunch.
At last ET get to eat the food that she would call me up to ask the name of it. HAH.
So yeah, had a great lunch.
While eating, i said to her; (in malay actually).
Me:Et, i feel like i want to fly a kite ahh..
Her: Can lah, invite others also.
Me: Ok, anything la. I seriously want to fly a kite. I've never fly a kite before.
Her: I also.
Me: Set ar. We go when we are all free. Next week after camp, want?
Her: We'll be at Sentosa, right?
Me: Ah.. But anything la..
Continued eating and took a stroll at TM.
Hah, we got nothing to do sia..
Disturb people!! :P
It was hilarious when ET and I went in that shop just to check her out.
Amazingly she didnt even attend to us! LOL
Ma'am Seri waited for us one place, she didnt join in.
Then, all went separate ways.
Im going out also and both of them went to LASALLE open house.
Couple of hours later... ET called me saying,
Her: Linda, we bought a kite. Want play??
Me: (shocking) Huh?! Serious??!!!
Her: Yeap. We bought 2. Come down ar.
Me: Wokay, i'll try ask.
As soon as i finish buying things, i rushed there. Hee Hee.

Went off there around 7+.
I got to know that Ma'am Seri also wanna fly a kite.
HAH, What a co-incidence.
Then, we went to FLEA Market at the MRT track.
ET got herself a shirt and vest. hah.
Lastly, went to Teh Tarik, get a drink and chat.
And at last, proceed back home.
I must say that ET is so weird today.
She's more active and... horny sia.. (WOW!) haha.
Good la. I like the way she is. Keeps my jaws moving and tired of laughing. :P
Perhaps going out again tomorrow with them.
Let's see how tomorrow will be.
I'm not sure if its really true or not.
Labels: flew a kite.
Pens down @
11:14 PM
.`♥Friday, January 15, 2010♥
All in
Im feeling so dizzy and not good. :(
Didnt go to work today cause i caught with a fever yesterday evening.
This morning, i was soo weak. So yeah.
Ate 3 pills of panadol cold relief.
Its effective. =)
Yesterday's weather was freaking hot.
So i guess i had dehydration. Had a looong day.
Morning went to Temasek Poly to ask for some courses.
Then, went to SPF to collect my cheque.
Accompanied Farhan to his Driving lesson.
Lastly, proceeded to NANYANG POLY!!!! =D
We spent more time there.
I've gave up my dreams to go to Engineering courses.
Instead, i want to go to Science courses.
So yeap, did some research about all those courses.
And yes! I've sent my application today. Felt relieved about it.
All 12 options were filled in.
I hope i made the right choices.
All are wondering why i put that as my first choice.
But, i have to think of my future too.
I dont want to struggle finding jobs after i graduate.
I think that will be a secure job.
Although i didnt say anything about this course before O and after O,
I've think about it.
Maybe in the start, i'll struggle learning about it.
But towards the end, i hope i can make it through.
Everyone keeps questioning me.
Not even one motivate me or at least say something nice.
It hurts siaaaa...
Now lets just wait for the result for the posting.
Labels: Decision.
Pens down @
11:41 AM
.`♥Wednesday, January 13, 2010♥
All in
At last i am able to at least sit in front of the pc. :P
Wokay, results were out!!
After waiting for 2 months exactly, getting mails from the Polytechnics and feeling anxious,
Met Miss Hidayah cause she wanted to go with me. Heh.
The atmosphere in the hall was so chaotic when the results were released.
Compared to the N level results, the O level results are more tensing.
Sat back and waited for my turn.
Couple of reaction i saw those people who were before me.
Im more tensed cause only 45.3% of the Sec 5 NA passed 5 O level.
When it was nearly my turn, Ma'am Neo was there.
Wow, thanks to her im more comfortable.
She accompanied me to get my results.
Alhamdullillah, I passed!!!! ^.^
17 points excluding CCA, 14 points including CCA.

Called my mom and aunt straight.
I feel great to make them proud.
At the same time, i sympathized my friends.
Hey guys, don't be disheartened or something. Continue to work hard, i'm sure you will still be able to pursue your dreams.
Went back home, showed my result slips to my family and they were all so excited.
My mom took 2 days off, LOL. And celebrated my success.
She spent a lot i can say. hah.
For once i felt different.
Yesterday was a blast!
Dyinie came to my place. I called him also to celebrate together for our success.
At least we were able to share our happiness together, right dear cousin? :P
Went SAFRA and played Bowling.
Then, ate dinner at Sempang Bedok. =D
My another cousin, Taufiq, was also there to support us.
Pity him, last year he celebrated alone when he got his results.
But! Its ok, we had fun yesterday!
Went back home late, and its worst for Dyinie cause he had to travel all the way to Jurong.
It was really a memorable event. Really.
I thank god for giving me such happiness.

Now, i have to crack my brains and choose the right courses carefully.
12 options!! Its A LOT!!!!!!!!!
And, to all my friends;
Good luck in choosing your courses and hope you guys make it through!
Pens down @
1:02 PM
.`♥Sunday, January 10, 2010♥
All in
Been so busy this whole week. Day by day, i couldn't just sit for a moment.
Weekdays ive been working and went to school straight.
Some just told me off it was just a waste of time to go there.
What the hell sia? You know nothing so stop commenting!
I had to make some sacrifices.
I was happy to be there. Get it?!
CCA Orientation in SPF, i guess it had been a long time isn't it?
Did the usual, bla bla bla.
It was worth it.
Seeing the new Secondary One students really made me recalled those time.
I felt that it was just a moment ago when im still in that school.
How time flies.
Dania was able to wear no.1. Rukhsana was still as cheeky.
I had such great time till i forget that i am no longer there.
Sometimes i wasnt able to realise.
Next, i thought i could just chill at home on Saturday. I can't.
From morning till midnight. Outside and just outside.
Hah, what a day.
I tried to find time to go to the Poly open house.
I managed to get one slot and at least i can know what i wanna do in future.
After a long ride in 72 to and fro, i had to rush to get ready for another event.
Its been so LONG since i wore a School Uniform.
Wow, its like 2 months?
Mei Ling called me up while i was enjoying my lunch.
She thought that i forgetten all about it.
It was only 4+. Last registration is at 5.15pm. I still can chill myself around. LOL.
After the ceremony ended, we had great reception. =)
I must say that the Eclair was super duper mouth watering.
Ate and enjoy the taste, snap shots here and there and back home.
As soon as i reached home, change clothes and went off.
Omg, yesterday ive been rushing here and there, changed lots of clothing and went out.
I couldnt even rest for a second!
Today? I thought i could just hang my feets. Again i was wrong.
Going out later. Sigh, what a week!
I miss staying at home. LOL!
Tomorrow results!!!!!
I'm scared... =(
Good luck to those who are taking tomorrow.
For sure,
The beats of my heart began thumpish vigorously.
Labels: Beats.
Pens down @
1:56 PM
.`♥Monday, January 4, 2010♥
All in
Im tired... :( but its a good thing.
Money keeps coming in. bluehh
This ADIDAS shoe really caught my eye.
I want to get that as soon as i got my pay. =P
At least I'm able to get a staff discount and also minus off the tax. So cheaper. ^^
Been aiming for things already. LOL.
Work has been so tiring also. But with great colleagues, they just kill your boredom.
But, Franz leaving us soon. :( Sad siaa..
I hope he will visit us one day.. Hee.
We talked and joke a lot instead of working. haha.
The place so quiet and calm since school opens today.
Oh yes. There was this Pilot, a white guy and HANDSOME GUY, i must say.
He just came back from Brunei. WOOO! haha
And, and.. he knows how to speak malay!! Amazing right?!!!!
So nice to see handsome guys. hahaha.
Naah.. I also got better taste. =P
Apart from that, i'm feeling so happy today.
Im not sure why but i am.
Heh, i hope im okay. LOL.
Watever it is, im glad. =)
Oh yes, I'm sorry guys. I dont think i can make it for the Poly Open house.
I'm busy this whole week.
I try to find time alright?
I think the only day im available is Saturday morning.
IF i can make it...
Sorry guys!
I'm on merry-go-round,
going around,
driving me crazy.
Labels: GLAD.
Pens down @
8:25 PM
.`♥Saturday, January 2, 2010♥
All in
I've yet to know what is my New Year's RESOLUTION!!!!!
Second day of January.
OMG! It's so fast!! =(
Results coming soon.. bla bla bla..
Ok, some funny things happened yesterday at work.
Yesterday was super busy. New Year mah...
There's this chinese woman talked to me in mandarin.
She talked as if she knew me siaa..
I waited for her to finish her long conversation.
Then, i said: Sorry, i don't understand.
Her face like paisey already. LOL!
Somehow she's trying hard to speak English to me.
But i understand a bit.
Basically, she said that she knew someone who look exactly like me.
And she said im her TWINS!!!
Wow, i have a twin sister. =P
It was so hilarious that point of time. haha.
There are actually people who look similiar.
I wonder what will happen today at work.
Gonna get ready soon... :)
And, and. i hope good things will happened again. =D
Labels: duplicate.
Pens down @
2:07 PM