My weekend rocks sia!!!
Basically i had to work both days.
Saturday i worked afternoon shift.
Reached early, AS USUAL! =P
When Farhan came, all of us disturbed him.
Cause he came late. HAHA!
We were so bored at work.

3 Part-timers standing at the front staring into blank spaces.
Then, we decided to camwhore; JUMPSHOTS!

Tiring i must say. Tira was the camera person.
3 of us jumping like monkeys.
Heck care what people think and said.
At night, as per normal, my handphone was the victim.
Lucky got Farhan's phone also to back up.
And thank god i brought my charger.
Oh yes! I received Ice Chocolate from Secret Recipe.
My friend from there gave 2 cups, and it was FREE!
I worked morning shift actually.
Then one of my colleague MC.
My manager asked if i wanna work full shift.
So i said, YES! I wanna earn more!!!! =D
My first time and i swear, it was really tiring! 13 hours sia.
But still!!!!! I had hella lots of fun!
Night especially.
Tira, Farhan & Linda.
Nice. ^.^
I am really enjoying it!
As for today?
Gonna go out the whole day!
Damn. Not going to rest much though.
Tuesday im working also... Sigh.
But never the mind.
I want earn as many as i can!
And gonna go holiday soon!!!
And yeah, my shoulders are killing me.
Body ache sux... =(