.`♥Sunday, March 28, 2010♥
All in
Sigh. So packed and busy!
And yeah, i came back on Thursday.
Oh well, lemme start off.
Woke up at 9am and got ready everything and off to airport.
My sis and i checked in early so that i could walk all around the transit.
I visited all the places in the transit and all the terminals.
Terminal 1 - Terminal 2 - Terminal 3 = back to Terminal 1.
Then, it was time for us to board as the gate has opened.
As i walked through the WTMD (Walk Through Metal Detector),
The alarm went on.
I was like WTF?!!!
I placed all coins and my phones inside the basket already siaa.
Then i realised that i had my belt on and have metal. -.- Hah!
I was being checked and it felt as if you kena raped siaaa.
And camwhore before boarding.
**[More @ FB.]
The view on the plane was really great!
I sat at the window seat.
Took lots of pictures up there.
*More in FB. :)
Reached the KLIA - LCCT Airport, it was total different from KLIA.
Last time i took Jetstar, it dropped at KLIA.
But this time i took AirAsia, it dropped at LCCT.
One thing amazed me;
When we alight from the plane, we had to take the stairs down.
The sound of the engine was really loud!
See? Can take the picture up close. haha.
Then, took taxi to our hotel. :D
Took 1 hour from LCCT to Kuala Lumpur city.
When we reached the hotel lobby,
The doorman opened the door for me and not my sis. LOL.
I was like Wooaaahh..
Felt like a rich girl for a sec. HAH!
Then he carried our luggage and my sis and i went to reception.
Feels great when its just the two of us.
I gave tips to the nice doorman and actually, he's quite handsome.
Rest awhile at the hotel room then off to go to buy dinner.
I ate SUBWAY for dinner!
Woohoo!!! It rocks siaaaa! And really worth it! ;D
Woke up for breakfast and wohooo!
It was delicioso...!
After that we went exploring the city!
We took the monorail, sight seeing and SHOPPING! Haha.
Ate A&W for Lunch! NICE!!
If only Singapore have A&W and SUBWAY is Halal, i'll be in heaven. ^.^
When its dark already, we still at the shopping mall oppsite our hotel.
The mall was big!!! Berjaya Times Square. :))
As for the night life.......
Too bad im still not qualified to enter.
Must be 21 years at least.
But instead, my sis and i slacked at the hotel lounge and bar till 2.30am.
The feeling was great.
As per normal, woke up morning for breakfast.
Then off to go SHOPPING and get all the items on my list!
I bought many things and i spent a lot of moneyy. Haha.
We did all the necessary and by 4.30pm we had to go from KL.
So, reached the airport and checked in early as well.

Sadly, it began to rain heavily when we're at the gate hold room. :(
I felt kinda scared cause got thunder all.
Just prayed hard. Heh.
Then, it was super cold at the plane till i had to use the washroom.
It was a bumpy ride siaa.
There was also turbulence.
Walked all the way to there and had to hold on tight.
In the toilet also was super bumpy. Hah.
For a while, i felt like vomitting! Lol.
But, i managed to get over it.
Oh yes, i made a friend!
This lady from KL sat beside me.
She was so friendly. :D
Chat with her and promote the places in Singapore for her. Hah.
I became a tour guide for a moment.

Reached Singapore at around 8.55pm.
Instead of just go to the arrival, we walked around the transit again!
But this time, we just went to T3.
Nice!!! :D
If only DFS is at outside instead of Transit..!!!
Mom & Dad fetch us from airport and went for dinner.
Mr Teh Tarik @ Afghan it is.
Oh yes, i met my senior there.
Had a small conversation and she hugged me! Hah.
Friday had to work morning. -.-
I went off straight after work.
Ate dinner with Hanis and slacked with him til 1.30am.
Saturday is Speech Day and I had to work also!
And i woke up late! Woke up at 07.45am.
Reached school at 8.20am and went with Mira. =D
Watched the parade and all those stuffs.

I love this. =))
Went to work late and phew, lucky i partner with Tira.
Reached workplace at about 10.50am.
No time to rest. Sigh.
Then later after work, i played pool with my friends.
It was like a 'REUNION' for us.
Cause we've been very busy with our lives.
My childhood friends;
Arif, Fidaiy, Frendy, Hafiz and Hanis.
Sadly Tasya wasn't there.
But seriously, i felt so happy seeing them all.
After playing pool, slacked till 2am.
Went home and dropped dead.
Chey dah 18 per? Amcm?! HAHA~!
Semoga kehidupan awak sempurna..
ZAH! Biler mau jumpe?!
Oh well, gonna be very very very busy now.
Sigh.Labels: A busy week.
Pens down @
10:59 PM
.`♥Monday, March 22, 2010♥
All in
Woow, its been 14 days straight since i updated my blog.
So busy and occupied.
Feel so lazy to switch on the computer these days.
So, let's just start on last week.
I can't really remember what happened 2 weeks ago.
And here it is.
Monday, 15 March, went to NYP in the morning to send all the documents.
After that, went to Bugis and Somerset with Farhan & Shafiq.
It was our day off and the guys wanna do shopping. -.-
I luurrvveee to shop at 313!!
I can't wait for another day out for shopping.
I am sooooo going to NEW LOOK or FOREVER 21!!!! ^.^

As for Tuesday, 16 March, had to help out my aunt.
Carried those bulky stuffs here and there.
Back pain siaa.
That very evening, met up with my friends, the usual ones. Heh.
Wanted to plan for our class gathering.
Then, Bella and Julian wanted to eat Pastamania.
So off to there, it was really packed!
But still, we managed to get a seat.
Then, hang out at there for quite some time and we're off to Tampines 1 rooftop.
Nice wind. =)
I had to leave early, and Bella was sooo sad.
Sorry! But it was a really nice dinner, Bella honeyy. Thanks!
Wednesday, worked morning.
Gah! Damn bored.
Partner with my manager. -.-
Nothing interesting.
Thursday, afternoon with Tira.
I likeee~~
As per normal, we did our crazy stuffs.
It has become a habit for us.
Friday, morning.
Was very tiring. It was like straight after one event to another.
Time is really ticking and we're rushing for time.
And yes! It was raining heavily.
Super damn cold siaa at Airport.
Was freezing!
Actually, this day was really nice.
It was the first time, and i cant express it out.
But, i just love it. *Winks*
Saturday and Sunday also morning.
And Tira partner with me for 4 days straight.
Farhan and Shafiq also were there.
But when my manager have, its like a prison. -.-
Just that Saturday, we really rockkkkkkkk the place.
Sunday straight after work, i went to help my friends.
They had the FLEA Market along the MRT Track.
Lucky it was near my place, so i can help.
I felt like i was in another retail line.
But this time....
I WAS THE BOSS! HAHAHA!! (Bella said that to me) :P
Seriously, it was fun!
Afraah, Narissa, Alisha and Zahid really put in effort for it.
And yeah, i helped them to get customers.
Very competitive actually.
You have to be creative.

And now, i just woke up from a very nice nap.
Not working today.
And i have to pack my bags soon.
Im going tomorrow!!!
Gonna shop there and enjoy there!!!
Just me & my sis.
Gonna have the night life there! Wohooo!
My flight for tomorrow will be in the afternoon.
So by noon i have to check in.
Will update again as soon as i come back!
And damn, the next day after i come back, i have to work. -.-
Till then.
Pens down @
7:02 PM
.`♥Monday, March 8, 2010♥
All in
Oh dear. Been very very very busy siaaaa... =(
It's just the beginning of the year, and im so occupied.
Well let's see.
Last Thursday - work.
Friday - NCC.
Saturday, morning went to HQ NCC, Amoy Quee.
Its been a very long time. =P
The freestyle competition was wow for the first time.
Congrats to Springfield NCC Seagirls for getting the 5th place.
Later that afternoon, met Bella & Julian.
Watched Alice In The Wonderland 3D.
Wowwww! My first time watching a 3D movie.
It was kinda cool. The specs and the animation. HAH!
As for Sunday....
Morning i had to work. Partner with Tira. ^.^
Played Ping Pong at the shop. LOL.
Then later in the afternoon, Farhan came then Faezah.
Wohooooo!!!!! We really rock the place sia.
Played Ping Pong again with them.
We tag team. Hah.
Tira said, 'Ni memang betul2 mintak kene buang sia kiter'.
Meaning: It is obvious that we were asking to be sacked from work.
After we were all tired, switched on music and our craziness came.
Started to 'RAP' the music, change lyrics that rhymes and dance around.
I wasn't there for long.
My sis wanted to fetch me from work.
She rented a car, that was why. Heh.
Went to Changi Village cause my mom wanted to eat Satay.
Then back home.
At around 8pm, i met Tasya to slack at the park.
Then, i called my sis if we wanted to go out or not.
And she said okay, so waited for around 2 hours for her. =.=''
Hanis tagged along and we're off to East Coast Park!

Together with my sister's friends.
Fuhh! Chaotic sia!
One of her friends got car also.
So yeah.
We were like racing! Nice!!
Reached ECP around 12++am.
They wanted to eat. The 'old people'. Hah!

After eating, send my sister's friends back home.
Left only us; My sister, Tasya, Hanis and myself,
We went to ECP again!
This time, we just sit by the beach and slack.
Lying down at the beach, with nice breeze and the sound of the waves.
Was really relaxing!
Been thinking a lot these days.
It felt great to not think of anything and just relax.
We got off from there at around 4.40am in the morning.
Reached home at 5am.
Drop dead as soon as i reached home.

Then today, went to SPF.
And tomorrow? Work. =.='
I wonder when can i go for my medical check up.
Must find time!!!!
Labels: key and car.
Pens down @
10:52 PM
.`♥Wednesday, March 3, 2010♥
All in
Happy Birthday Siti Zafirah!!!!!!!!!! =)))
Hey Zaf! You're 18 already!!! Thank god the legal age in NZ is also 18. Haha.
Anyway, hope you succeed in life there.
And i hope you had a great celebration in New Zealand.
SSHH! I know you can drive already so SSSHHH!!!
Come back soon Zaf! I cant wait til December. =D
[Actually there was supposed to be a video for you, but i cant show you.]
So anyway, i am so BUSYYYYY nowadays.
I cant get enough rest and peace!
Im very occupied these days.
Last saturday worked full shift siaa.. Tiring!
Sunday sick.
Monday went to SPF.
Tuesday work.
Lots of things happened. Seriously.
As for today,
I worked full shift again.
Today i ate Popeye's with Tira.
It was super random cause we dont know what to eat. Heh.
We laughed a lot till there was a pain at our stomach.
HAHA! Hilarious moments siaa!!
And, we did crazy stuffs again. =P
And yes, i just came back from work.
11pm straight i punched card and off to wait for 34.
Luckily the bus came straight away. Phew!
My legs are killing me.
And im not feeling that well..
Tomorrow gotta work again. Sigh.
Oh yes!
During work just now, i took the chance to see the timing for Arrivals.
From London =)
Bella honey coming back today!!!
She messaged me saying that she had reached.
Lucky i worked today. So can meet her awhile.
She came to my workplace and give a VERYYY BIGGGG HUGGG!!!!
I like! Gosh! How i missed her!! ^.^
Hope you get enough rest Honeeyy.. (:
Many many many things happened.
I just keep on looking into it.
What a disastrous.
What to do...?
Pens down @
11:45 PM