.`♥Sunday, April 25, 2010♥
All in
Semoga awak panjang umur dan murah rezeki. (:
And so, its been DAYS since i updated.
Been very very veryyyyyy busy!
Just came back from Marina Square and Suntec.
Met those awesome people, and for once, i felt great.
Anyway, 1st week of school had passed.
5 days. It seemed long and draggy.
Indeed it was.
I always have this feeling,
'Gosh, lecture so boring!'. 'Gosh, when is the tutorial going to end?'.
Stuffs like that.
And it's just the 1st week, i have 3 projects.
Damn. So fast sia!!!
So occupied.
Oh and yes. My eyes really like a panda now.
My eyebags are growing fast.
Everyday i have only 4-5 hours of sleep.
Even for Saturday and Sunday!
Can you imagine?!!
I wonder, why now and not back then.
If it were to happen earlier, life has been great.
IF. It's always the 'IF'.
Nevertheless, i know i have to start now.
Sacrificing. Suffer now, enjoy later.
That was what i put my mind to.
I've been exerting myself too much.
Im getting sick.
Sore throat and bad flu.
Sigh. My body is in a state of shock cause suddenly im working hard.
Everyday straight after school, i rushed to go there.
Went back late and i have to wake up early for school the next day.
Even Saturday and Sunday have to work for Sportslink. Gah!
Ok, im complaining and releasing everything.
So far i know i cant gain anything.
BUT! Those sacrifices and effort, i hope this can really change something.
For once. A miracle..
4 things that makes me occupied so far.
1 is confidential.
So meaning 3.
1 - School.
2 - Part time job.
3 - Tutor.
Sigh. Why now!!!!!!
Sometimes i hate fate!
I know i have to accept it. But yes, life's unfair.
This is the only time i get to at least play the computer.
Next time it will be rare.
20 minutes ago, i just went back.
Now, i have to get ready for tutoring.
Everyone has 24 hours a day.
But why do some people can do a lot of things to achieve something?
Why can't you?
People, think properly.
How are you going to spend it?
How are you coping?
Are you wasting your time?
Are you spending it wisely?
Does it benefits you or no?
How long?
Think people. THINK!
Its time to think about the future.
Not just by days.
Think about in 5 years time.
10 years.
or even 20 years!
Life is short.
You can wait.
But people around you can't.
Labels: Think it through.
Pens down @
8:58 PM
.`♥Thursday, April 15, 2010♥
All in
Gah. So busy!!! :((
Anyway, Tuesday i went to NYP to send the documents.
Met Farhan @ 12pm.
And also, i collected my Student Admission Card.
Wohoo!! Looks nice. ^.^
Then, Farhan went off to work and i...
Wohoo! Finally i get to meet her.
We've been asking and wanting to meet each other.
So yeah, finally i get to meet and go out with her. :D
But darn it! I forget to strangle her. -.- Hah!
Never mind, the next meeting it will be!
After we walk about at bedok bla bla bla..
Took 69 and waited outside school.
Dania wanted to surprise Rukhsana!!!
So yeah, we did surprised her! LOL!
Then, ate at TenderBest. Talk, laugh, talk and laugh.
One thing spoiled, the RAIN!!!
On the other hand, it's a good thing also lah.
Cause the rain held us up. So we could spent more time together. (:
After they went back, i met Hanis under my void deck.
It was freaking cold!!!
I have to wait for Frendy somemore cause he wants me to teach him.
Soooo cold till i was shivering siaa.
Seriously, no joke.
What a weather..
Wednesday ----> ORIENTATION!!!!!!!!!
Omg! It was okay laaa.... Not much to say.
Just that i met new people.
They are younger than me. =.=''
Darn it!
Oh yes, im not the same class as Farhan.
Our timetable is also different...
Just that the first day of school we start same timing. :)
Went off at 8++pm.
Waited for 72..
The journey can make you sick!
Oh well..
I have to get used to it.
MONDAY START SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ):
Friday, Saturday and Sunday work.
Pens down @
12:34 PM
.`♥Monday, April 12, 2010♥
All in
Geez. I have no comments. =.=
So anyway, Friday was working.
Gah, BORED to hell especially in the morning.
Finished work at 6pm.
After work, accompanied Tasya to enroll tuition for her.
Hah, funny.
After enrolling, slacked with her at Coffee Shop!
Asked Hanis to tag along.
Woah, normally the Apek(s) slacked there.
We're becoming one of them, members ar. LOL!
Slacked till 9+ then they went to my house.
Bla bla bla...
Saturday worked morning with Tira.
Phew, at last!
Can relax.
Oh yes. It was the last day for Shafiq to work with us.
His school start today.
Had fun and shared a great experience together.
Take care Shafiq!

That day i had to finish at 7pm.
But due to that 'SUND', i have to wait.
If not i can go earlier!
Nevertheless, we still proceed on to our plan.
Wohoo! I like it.
Its tiring that we have to keep it low.
Be cautious of it.
Together till late! :D
Sunday, had to work full shift.
I was really enjoying my sleep when my manager called.
The night before, i slept late and had to wake up early. -.-
So yeah, reached work at 1130.
Worked all the way till 11pm.
Evening was the start of the AWESOME-ness.
Me, Farhan & Tira!
We rock! ^.^
When we're eating and having break, we had a random topic to talk about.
It's censored. So yeah.
We laughed out loud like nobody's business!
It was damn hilarious!
Sunday was so packed and last night was so busy.
But, later that night, Farhan made my stomach to burst!
I can't stop laughing sia!!
Tira was lost and asked why i keep on laughing.
Inside joke; Seriously, i can't stop laughing!
After work, slacked with Tira and Nurul before going back.
Sat at the bus bay and slacked.
Lucky got a place to sit.
Chat a while then go home.
In the bus, Nurul made me laugh!
Omg. I think its a laughing day for me.
But no matter what,
Thanks guys, i needed that.
At least i can stop feeling sad and depressed...
Today, im working in the afternoon.
Gonna get ready soon.
Partner with Tira. Wohoo!!
And, Bella is coming back today!!!!!!!!
I don't know if im gonna wait for her.
I finish work at 11pm.
She reached Singapore at around 12++.
But, tomorrow i have to go NYP to send documents.
And, Wednesday is my....
School's starting in 6 days.
Oh well...
Labels: Round and Round.
Pens down @
12:10 PM
.`♥Thursday, April 8, 2010♥
All in
Yeahhh. At home again!
Felt so great to stay at home. LOL!
Anyway, Monday i stayed at home also like a good girl. :P
Resting at home.
That night, while i was playing computer, Bella called me.
Bella asked me if i could meet her.
I wasn't sure of it.
Then she said, 'Its okay baby. You stay home and be a good girl'.
LOL! I am! HAHA!
Tuesday - work morning.
GAH! Partner with my manager.
Damn bored!
Gonna partner with her again tomorrow. -.-''
Tuesday was a long day!
>Worked morning.
Nazmi & Irwan dropped by.
Nazmi wanted to buy shoe and Irwan got himself a shirt.
They were lucky cause got staff discount. Heh.
>Rushed home straight after work.
>Went out with Farhan, Tira & Aliff, Tira's boyfriend.
They rent a car and Farhan had to drive.
They fetched me from my place and we head out.
Went to Changi Village, Changi beach, Pasir Ris park.
We explored the OCH and the Red House.
Wooo. Scarrryyy maryyy! Hah!
That night, i didn't went home.
As i was gonna stay the night at Bella's place.
Yeap, my first time sleeping over at her place.
Managed to be there before midnight.
LOL. Like Cinderella.
Watched TV, paint her nails, and eat chocolates!
In the end we slept early.
Had to wake up at 7am.
Bella doze off first. -.-''
I kept waking up at night.
A memorable night. LOL!
Wednesday, the next day..
I was enjoying my sleep when Bella woke me up.
It was 7.05am. Gosh..
Had a good bath, packed my things and i was the first to be ready. -.-
Geraldine, Bella's sister said:
You should actually take your time cause Bella took 1 hour to get ready.
Hah! WTH?!
Reached airport at 8+.
Had breakfast @ McDonalds.
Then, BLA BLA BLA.....
Went to T1 and they checked in.
And omg, the Q was super long!!!
While her sister and her friends waiting for their turn,
Bella & I stroll around the airport.
Then, we saw the I.D Photo Instant machine.
Bella said : Eh, wanna take a picture?
Me: Huh? With this?!!!
Bella: Can whatttt.
Me: You sure?!!
She pulled me in and we took the picture.
LOL. So random!
After that, roam around airport and it was time for her to go in.
Feel sad to part with her.
I complained to her cause she's always the one leaving me for a long time.
At least that day i went to KL for just 3 days.
That time she went to London for more than a week.
Now, she's leaving for at least a week!
Oh well, just gonna pray that she come back safely.
Was feeling so tired and sleepy during work.
Tira was feeling tired as well.
Was in the store all the time and rest.
Lucky Farhan came early so we can laugh our hearts out.
Finished work late.
As soon as i reached home, bathe and off to bed.
I wanna stay at home today!!!!!
Be a good girl. LOL.
Next 3 days will be working.
School is starting soon!!!!!!!!
Orientation in 6 more days!!! Labels: sleepover.
Pens down @
1:11 PM
.`♥Sunday, April 4, 2010♥
All in
Wow. Woke up an hour ago. And finally i get a good long sleep.
Been having lack of sleep.
Yesterday was the BBQ @ Changi Beach.
I went there late and reached at about 7.30pm.
Straight after work, went home to get a bath and proceed there.
A lot of people camping and BBQ-ing.
Weekends + the PH.
When i reached there, it was raining.
Damn! Why do it have to rain last night?
We still continued to BBQ till the rain get heavier.
We stopped and chat at the shelter and eat. HAH!
Some of the guys went prawning and some went to watch movie.
After eating, me & Bella went inside the tent and slack there.
Later, Farhan & Andrew joined us.
Ghost story telling time..!
It was still early though. LOL.
All of us decided to go out when we feel bored inside.
As soon as we stepped out of the tent, the wind was blowing real hard.
Super cold sia! Plus, it was raining.
Bella & I went to the fire and hugged each other tight to keep us warm.
But i still feel cold! BBRR! Felt like it was at Ophir last time. Heh.
Gave up and we went to the toilet.
Hah, Bella was super hilarious the whole moment with me.
As we walked to go to the toilet,
We held hands and walked slowly by the rain.
There was puddle and we played with the puddle everytime we saw one!
I know, like kids. But what the hell.
We're enjoying ourselves!! ^.^
When we came back, the fire was starting.
Woohoo!! BBQ time!!!
Andrew was always taking pose. =.=
The BBQ food was delicious i must say.
Its very nice.
The Stingray, Sotong, Satay, Lamb Chop & Chicken Chop!
BBQed Marshmellows too! Wohoo.
Farhan was annoyed by his hair and he used a smart idea to overcome it.
We ran out of charcoal and had to stop again.
The guys went to go get it.
And while waiting, sitting down by the beach was nice.
The sounds of the waves and the breeze.
I swear i was feeling so cold!
Farhan laid down the poncho and we sat by there.
Then we were tired, we lay down and the sand is awesome!
The feeling is like being massaged!
Started to sing 'oldies' songs. LOL!
When the guys got back, they lit the fire again.
And the guys who went to prawning were also back.
They BBQed the prawns also. -.-''
Bella & I sat at the table singing our hearts out.
Singing whichever songs we know and bla bla bla.
And she was like, 'Baby, i sing 1 song for you'.
She keep repeating it but didnt finish 1 whole song.
A total of 4 songs but not whole songs.
Honey! You said only 1 song! HAHA!
Oh yes. She said this also; Baby, I like the pictures that we took.
Me: Why? Cause got FLASH?!
She: Yaaa!!! And thanks to your phone!
It was 4+am in the morning.
I felt kinda tired.
From work then all the way there.
Saw Ismael going in the tent make us the urge to go in also.
Yeah, Bella & I went in to rest.
I almost fell asleep when Mei Ling made noise. =.=
In the end, we gave up and went out of the tent again.
Julian & Dominic were playing guitar and singing songs.
Woah. They rock!
It was 5.30am and we started to pack our things.
Cleaned up the area and by 6am we left the pit.
A long walk to Changi Village.
Hah, and Bella held hands again! ^.^
I thought that it would be the last time.
Then Farhan and her stopped me and said NO, IT ISNT!
I forget that we gonna have another outing for SOMEONE'S birthday.
Then when we reached at Changi Village, it was very very quiet.
No taxis!!
Yeap, all of us taking cab.
We saw LOTS of Prostitutes and Gays.
And omg, we were kinda scared cause they were everywhere!
The way they wore was like so revealing.
Lucky there's a cab and we tried to ask the taxi driver if we could squeeze all.
5 people inside; Farhan, Ismael, Julian, Bella & me.
Thanked god he let us. Hah.
Reached home almost to 7am.
Washed up and dropped dead by 7.30am.
And yeah. Lucky it turns out to be okay.
Although the weather was bad, we worked together to solve the problem.
Oh well. What a memorable event.Labels: BBQ.
Pens down @
5:35 PM
.`♥Friday, April 2, 2010♥
All in
I am feeling so fucking tired and i wanna do this asap.
When was the last time i sat at home and just STAY?!
It's very rare nowadays.
I wanna stay at home!!!!!!
Not that im complaining, but im groaning. -.-
So anyway, today i just had a very long day.
And, just went back home after slacking with Tasya, Hanis & Siraj.
My first time hanging out with Siraj, so yeah.
Thanks to Hanis, Siraj knew my weakness. -.-
And, Tasya been telling things which no one knows.
OMG! It was so embarassing, but yeah.
Throughout it was fun slacking with them.
Actually, i went to shop for the stuffs for BBQ.
Went out in the morning and went to Bedok.
Just me and Farhan did the stuffs.
I felt that i cant even rest on my off day.
It was just the 2 of us and we had to carry the things.
Where was EVERYONE?!!!!!
Rushed here and there just to make sure everything is complete.
What the hell.
Despite all that, i kinda love today.
I didn't expect that it would be this way.
I thought that it may not be possible.
But you made it happen.
And yeah, i appriciated it and i enjoyed it.
The rest of the days of the week, just been working and going out.
Like i've said, i wanna just stay at home.
School is starting in like 2 weeks time??!!!!
Don't remind me!
Tomorrow gonna have our Class BBQ @ Changi Beach.
Gonna stay up whole night and gonna go back the morning after.
I hope things will go well.
Cross fingers, Linda!Labels: blank.
Pens down @
11:39 PM