.`♥Sunday, June 27, 2010♥
All in
Sunday already!!!! Hell fast!
Its 3.20am!
I want more holidays lehhh. Please?!
It feels great cause don't have school.
Oh well. Exams start TOMORROW~!!!!!!!!
I have yet to study. Oklah.
Just that last night i covered at least 2 chapters.
But not in detailed.
It can't be absorbed in the brain!!!
Help me Einstein!! How you cracked your brain so much?!!!
Okay. Lame! -.-''
Oh. Im going to study with my poly friends later.
Julie & Shalu.
Will be at.... Sengkang!!!!!!
I was happily Facebook-ing and chatting when Julie invited me.
I was shocked when she said at Sengkang.
I thought it will be around here.
Since me and Julie stay Tampines.
I watched Karate Kid!!!!!!
Friday night.
My sis wanted to watch the midnight show.
Movie start at 0040.
Ended around 0315 liddat...
Oklah. The movie was nice.
Watched together with Alvin & Hanis.
Sadly Arif didn't join us.
Went back around 4am...
Oh well... Despite the happiness....
These few days really made me feel down.
I won't elaborate cause its no use.
One thing for sure.
Thank you to you.
Listened, shared and be beside.
If you're reading it,
Im referring to you. (:
Labels: Ponder it.
Pens down @
3:19 AM
.`♥Monday, June 21, 2010♥
All in
20 June 2010.
Really a long day and i had fun.
So, started up that morning.
Woke up, got ready cause Hanis went to my place to settle some things.
At the same time i got ready to go to Zul & Nana's wedding! :D
Few minutes after Hanis arrived, Bella called me.
She was feeling down after her church and wanted to meet me.
Since i have to get ready, i asked her to come up to my place.
Cause why...?
The night before, i just met her and slacked under the void deck.
Together with Alvin, Hanis, Ishkandar and sis.
I was quite surprised that Alvin & Hanis can really clique with Bella. (:
Anyway back to it.
Later, Alvin came my house.
Ya.. Just got ready to go wedding and went out.
Met Arif under void deck and proceeded.
Lucky the place is in Tampines.
If not.... DIE! Somemore so hot!
The food was awesome!!
The ambience was also cool!!!

Sadly, we didn't take pictures with Bhai... ))):

After that......
Go home change and proceeded to Kepple Bay.
Super nice!!!! ^.^
Two thumbs up! (Y) (Y).

****More in FB.
Really had a great experience on this day.
Learned a lot.
At the same time enjoy also. Heh.
Oh well, that is it.
I gotta start studying soon!!!!
Labels: Great experience.
Pens down @
1:28 AM
.`♥Monday, June 14, 2010♥
All in
It's Monday already! Hell fast siaa!
3 days straight been going home late.
The worst one is going home at 5+am on Sunday.
And i've been going out straight.
Yes, i want to give myself a treat.
Get myself to distress and not think of anything.
Thanks to the guys i had, i feel better.
Again, Arif wanted to go there again at night..
This time it was different.
Alvin & Kenneth joined us.
The more the merrier. :))
Went home around 4.30am.
I swear my eyes are so heavy that time.
But, on the bright side, yesterday was TWO THUMBS UP!!!!!!
Especially during the day till evening.
Thank you i must say.
At least you made it happen. (:
Today i slept a lot.
I want to catch up on my sleep.
My panda eyes are growing!!!
I need to put a stop to it! Heehee.
At least today i get to rest.
But despite, my phone never fail to ring.
I'm a busy girl now..
Gonna go work later..
I wonder if the guys wanna go again tonight.
But i dont want to go back home late!!!
Me and my sis is a girl okay! You all are guys!
Oh yes, tomorrow there will be a 5A '09 gathering!!!!
But, i wonder if its still on?? Heh.Labels: Sleepyhead.
Pens down @
6:28 PM
.`♥Saturday, June 12, 2010♥
All in
Its the start of my 2 weeks vacation!!!!! OHH YEEAAHHHH~~
Can't enjoy all of the days.. Have to study...
I have 3 module exams straight after school reopen. Sigh.
Yesterday i really gave myself a very nice treat.
I mean, not only yesterday ahh. On Wednesday night as well.
What i did was really bizarre mann..
Yesterday after meeting, as usual we slacked under my void deck.
My sister and i gave the briefing..
Very chaotic the place.
Arif, Hanis, Ishkandar and Alvin. As well as Kenneth and Frendy.
Lucky our neighbours didn't call the police up. LOL.
I must admit that we were so noisy.
So anyway, after briefing.. I had some thoughts.
Play Dota & Counter-Strike AGAIN!!!!!
Yes, this what i did on Wednesday night.
Woohooo! Enjoyed it siaa.
So yesterday, at around 2.30am we went near the Sports Hall there.
Played for 2 hours and finished playing around 4.30am.
Walked around there.
My sister and Arif felt soooo hungry till we ate McDonald for breakfast.
While eating, we watched the FIFA repeat telecast as well.
Gosh. Crazyy siaa.
Reached home at around 5.40am...
Bathed and drop dead.
Im happy that i get to sleep at least 8 hours.
Its been a very loong time since i didnt sleep this long.
Oh well...
I think the guys wanna play again today.
Damn! I dont want!! Tired siaa..
Perhaps gonna slack later.. Heehee..
Oh! I can't wait!!!!!
Tomorrow??? :DDDDD
Labels: rot.
Pens down @
6:52 PM
.`♥Wednesday, June 9, 2010♥
All in
Im taking this opportunity to be online. HAH!
So anyway, school was sooooo draggy and tiring!
Slept for 3 hours only last night.
Oh well, basically i had a meeting cause of some issues to settle off.
Went home at 2.30am and woke up at 5.30am.
By right, i can go school late today.
But i had to become a 'model' for my friends cause they having their pract exams today.
Woooww.. Scarry siaa!
I scared i fail also!! Cause both of my friends failed. :((
During lectures, i tried to keep myself awake.
Thanks to YaZhen cause she always helped me to stay awake.
But i cant. My eyes were so heavy and i slept during lectures...
Its nice but at the same time its cold!!!! BBRRR!!
Oh yes,
Wish you all the best with your new journey and love ya!
Left Thursday and Friday. And that is it!
But have to study for exams... :(
This is it.
I can't take it any longer.
My patience level has run low.
Don't trigger me lest i will burst it out.
It's not fucking fair for me, and the rest!
I would let it all out to your faces if my sister didn't stop me yesterday night.
For now, i will keep it cool.
The next time it happened again,
I swear i am gonna let it all out!!
Fuck ah! You don't deserve this!
Labels: Unfair.
Pens down @
8:20 PM
.`♥Monday, June 7, 2010♥
All in
Back!! For now only... -.-
Wokay.. I know its been a very long time since i didn't update.
So busy with school and that...
Rushing here and there.
Lack of sleep..
My panda eyes are growing wider.... Sigh.
Oh well. That's life i must say.
Ohhh! I can't wait till my holidays.
But during holidays also i have to study... :(
School reopen straight is my written exams. ARGH!!! What the hell...
So anyway.. I want to at least give myself a treat..
3rd week. Ring any bells guys....?
Well, for those who know.. Good for YOU!!!!
I can't wait! 4 more days for school and that is it!!!!
Basically, life has been very tiring for me.
Projects still piling up as usual... -.-
School has always been boring..
The normal stuffs. -.- Don't have to elaborate.
Not gonna be active now.. I know. Blog has died.
But if i have the time then i will update.
If not, Fuck off! Hah!
Oh yes.. I miss lots of people already.
I've been toooo busy and i didn't have the time to spend time together.
Sorry guys!!!
Meet you guys soon, okayyy????
At least once a week i will meet Bella up. That is ok.
But the rest... Seriously. Let's catch up with each other someday!
And... Yeahhh.
To Dania Syazana:
To Nazmi:
When to meet?!!!!!
Oh. Did i mention that..
WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!Labels: Long time.
Pens down @
10:19 PM