Oh, actually i came back on Thursday night.
The journey was... draggy and felt so tired on that day.
Oh well, this is what happened.
Saturday: Woke up at 8am and got ready to go.
9am go out and a car waiting for us.
Oh, Hanis was there as well.
Reached Melacca at around 3pm.
And, reached my own Kampung at 3.50pm.
Settled down and rest a while.
The weather there is soo hot!
It's very challenging, somemore its the fasting month.
Oh, the timing for break fast is 7.30pm.
LATE RIGHT??!!!!!!
I literally had to wait 15 more minutes compared to Singapore..
Woke up to eat before fasting.
I love it cause my aunt let us eat chicken all the time when i was there. Compared here, i cant.
Cause my mom is allergic to chicken. -.-''
Met my Granduncle and Grandaunty.
I have no more Grandparents.
Neither Mom side nor Dad.
They are the only ones which i'm left with.
Still, i treated them as my own.
My Granduncle is still strong and able to drive the car for us.
Just that everyday he sent us around with his big car. ;P
Hanis is enjoying the place. -.-
Visited my Grandmother's grave.
I am so contented as I was able to at least visit it.
It's been so long.
I hope she is happy with what I'm doing now..
I miss you Nenek.. Gosh, I'm being emotional here.. Sigh.
OH! I get to eat crab!!!!
It's fresh from the sea!! ^.^
Again, Hanis is enjoying his time. Hah!
17th August!! Haha.
To Rukhsana: I know it's late but, Happy Belated Birthday!!! :)
Again, went around the town.
The whole time it's going around the town and eat the food there.
Melacca is big..!
Somemore the town where my Kampung is, is near to the sea.
Nice breeze and scenery. :))
It's our turn to go to my Granduncle and Grandaunty's Kampung.
It's at another town.
So yeah. I LOVE IT!!! Cause why...??
I get to see different types of fruits and trees.
Its very fresh.
Mostly it's like your own 'Farm'. Heehee.
My bus to Johor Bahru was at 11am.
So, i have to leave at 9am.
It takes time to travel..
Before i board the bus, i looked at my granduncle and grandaunty.
I was thinking, will i be able to see them again when i come later? Sigh..
It's sad to see when my grandaunty cried.
I feel the distance again between us.
Though I have no more grandparents, I feel very contented that i have my granduncle and aunty.
Maaf Nek, Tok. Linda pergi lagi. Sigh..
The next time when I come, please be there by me...
OMG! I'm getting too emotional now!!!! SHEESH!!!
That night, I only told some of my friends that I was back in Singapore. Heh.
One of them was Bella.
She wanted to meet me straight away!! HAH!
So yeah, met her after break fast and settling things down.
Looks like she suffered a lot while I'm away.. :P
I miss my another friend as well.. I'm happy that there was a chance for us to meet. :D Hee.
Now that I'm back, I need to do lots of things!!!
1. Meet and catch up with the rest of my friends.
2. Study for my semestrial exams.
3. Kuih baking!! :)
Oh well, 1 week left. Let's see if i can SQUEEEEEEEEZE the time. -.-
Here are some pictures. :)