.`♥Sunday, December 26, 2010♥
All in
1 week just passed so fast!!!!
Not fair.. ):
A week more. Sigh.
Been going out everyday straight.
Not enough rest and money keep spending. Sigh.
At least a day will do.
Thursday was fine.
Went to eat lunch with ET, Rukhsana and Afiqah.
@ Simei.
Nice food with nice people.
And urm, after that..
I don't know if I did the right thing or not..
I just did what I think is right.
Friday, eve of Christmas!!
Spent the day with Sis.
Watched movie and catch up on each other.
Then after that, shop for christmas present for Bella. :)
I really don't know what to give her.
So I bought a Santa Claus cupcakes and gave her a rose.
Sweet right? HAHA!
That night, it was actually her who come over to my place.
But end up, I went to her place with my sister.
Christmas party at her place.
Her relatives are a lot!!
Oh, it was a great feast there.
Ate steamboat, her mom's shepherd's pie is AWESOME!!!!
Had a toast with everyone.
Great experience.

Then, it was time for me to go home!
It was around 3.15am in the morning..
But, before that, we snap shots again. Haha.

**More at FB. Lazy want upload. -.-
MERRY CHRISTMAS!Labels: First Christmas Party.
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10:58 PM
.`♥Wednesday, December 22, 2010♥
All in
2 weeks ain't enough!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, the term break is here.
Only 2 freaking weeks.
Not enough for me to really let loose. Hah.
Too many plans with so little time.
How can I compress it?
Nowadays, I began to wonder.
I don't know what issue other people have on me.
It's like CRAP!
Why can't I have someone that I can rely on?
Is it just so wrong that I am close to this someone?
Why everyone is against us?
I don't understand.
I'm tired of this.
It had happened before so I don't wish to go through the struggle again.
I'm really happy to have this close friendship with this person.
We shared a lot, we're filled with happiness.
We're close, we made this friendship strong.
I don't need anyone to intrude.
Thank you.Labels: GO AWAY., Intruders
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6:46 PM
.`♥Friday, December 17, 2010♥
All in
To my late brother...
Happy 29th Birthday Nur Khairul Fadli.
Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dariNya.
Every year, I will remember this date.
Every year, I will cry to myself and keeping quiet.
Every year, I will think of him.
Every year, I wished that I have a brother.
Though I know that it's impossible, still.. Sigh.
Oh well..
Today was the last day of school.
And I was suffering!!!
I didn't bring my medicine to school and I felt real weak!
It's holiday now!!!!
2 weeks only. Pathetic!!!! -_-
I have to come back to school despite its the holiday.
If there isn't any lab practices, I don't have to travel.
That 2 weeks break is a study break.
So, when school reopen, exams will just keep coming.
As far as I know, I have 2 more presentations to go.
Bio practical exam, 2 Nursing Skills pract..
Just put that exams aside first.
I know I have to do something during this break!
This, I can't reveal.
Yesterday, I was on MC-ed.
I was sick. ):
Started on Wednesday.
I felt unwell when I go to school.
Then I started to feel feverish during my lunch break.
I can barely eat - no appetite.
So, I just ate something light just to eat this medicine that my friend gave.
It causes drowsiness.
So, literally during my lecture, I slept.
I swear I didn't even realise that I slept for 1 and a half hours.
Oh, and I can't go back and just skipped school.
I had a theory exam from 6pm - 7pm.
That was whyyyy, I had to stay all the way till evening.
The weather was fucking cold!!!
I had cyanosis, and seriously it's not just half.
But!! It was a whole that it changes the colour!
I was terrified.
Though I was using my friend's jacket to cover, I felt cold and shiver.
I could not concentrate on my exam.
I was feeling restless and just taking my own time to do.
In the end, I was able to finish and go off before 10 minutes paper ended.
I was looking forward to go out of that lecture theatre.
It was so cold and my hands were numb.
Going back time...
Had to suffer that 1 hour journey.
Oh and!! In the bus, it was effing cold as well!!!!!
I swear my hands were pale, my whole fingernails turned blue and I was shivering!
Reached interchange, I walked slowly.
But!! I can't take my time cause for once, I felt that the wind was my enemy.
Reached home, bathe and drop dead to sleep.
Oh, even when I sleep, I shiver even I had blanket and jacket on.
WORST FEVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, yesterday..
After seeing the doc, went back home, ate medicine and drop dead.
I slept the whole day.
At least my medication is 3x a day.
So, it's a good thing I learned Nursing.
Hah. I know the timing.
I sleptttttt till my sister woke me up in the evening.
I was like wondering why the hell she would want to wake me up!
Then, I realised that Bella came over to visit me.
She did called me, but I think I didn't realise.
I was sleeping the whole day!
Sooo... I can't remember that I picked up her call and talked to her. LOL!
Yeah, she was there to somehow take care of me.
I appreciate her concern and care. (:
After she went home at around 10+pm, I dropped dead again and sleep.
Couldn't help myself.
I just wanted to sleep and rest..
Oh, not forgetting to someone who is away from here.
That person also plays a role.
Thank you too (:
And, 17th December. Remember???
Now, at least I'm feeling quite better.
I know my mind isn't working so well now,
But I still can think...
I think that.......
NEH!! I won't say it out.
Labels: Anything.
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9:12 PM
.`♥Saturday, December 11, 2010♥
All in
It has been a way long time since I last post.
A lot of things had happened.
Idk where should I start.
1 by 1 I'll just let out...
It's been 10 days since she left me.
I'm just trying to move on.
Without her, I feel so empty.
There's no one who I can talk to.
There's no one who I can pour my heart out.
I miss you, Kak.
My aunt's maid had gone back to her place.
So yeah. I miss her a lot..
School has been very tight nowadays.
Just had Bio test last Monday.
This coming Monday is my Lab Skill test.
It's about medication. Shit!!!
I have yet to do my drug cards!!! :(
Oh, I realised that I've been seeing Rukhsana and Afiqah lots of time.
Cause why???
They attended the 59th Cadet Officer Course for 3 weeks.
It was held at Amoy Quee HQ NCC.
It's at Yio Chu Kang btw.
So for 2 weeks, I go school together with them.
I was actually super early for school.
But it's okay.
I wanted to support them. (:
My Pharmacology presentation and it's also....
Their Passing Out Parade (POP)!!!!
3 weeks was really fast!
Everything happened like a bullet.
Yesterday I finished school at 4pm.
So I waited for 2 and a half hours for the rest to come.
Met the rest at YCK mrt station.
There was a shuttle bus to HQ NCC.
So yeah.
When we reached, we missed the march in. Sigh.
But, at least we were there for the donning of rank. :D

Yeap. That's it.
More at FB.
I'm really proud of them both.
Congrats girls for passing out!!!
Sigh. I'm upset...
Labels: 59th COC.
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